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Vitamin Poisoning

[title text=”Are We Destroying Our Health with Hi-Potency Synthetic Vitamins?” size=”h2″ bold=”yes”]

Too many buyers are pressured into purchasing a myriad of unnecessary vitamins, believing the more vitamins they take, the better it is for their overall health. But are synthetic vitamins really good for you? New research suggests they may not be. See below to learn the disturbing facts behind synthetic vitamins and their harmful side effects.

Genostim® products (GS-6, PRO, HDP, HNS21 & The Gift For Life) are not synthetic vitamins but peptide formulas containing more than 20 naturally occurring growth factors that support accelerated healing and a normalization of cellular processes.

[title text=”Synthetic Vitamins Linked to Higher Death Rates” size=”h2″ bold=”yes”]

A 2011 study printed in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that several commonly used vitamin and mineral supplements were associated with a higher mortality risk.  Among the vitamins tested and indicated these risks are iron supplements, synthetic multivitamins, vitamin B, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, and copper.

Natural Food Source VS Synthetic Production

Vitamin Food Nutrient* ‘Natural’ Vitamin Analogue & Chemicals
Vitamin A/
Beta carotene
Carrots Methanol, benzene, petroleum esters; acetylene; refined oils
Vitamin B-1 Nutritional yeast, rice bran Coal tar derivatives, hydrochloric acid; acetonitrile with ammonia
Vitamin B-2 Nutritional yeast, rice bran Synthetically produced with 2N acetic acid
Vitamin B-3 Nutritional yeast, rice bran Coal tar derivatives, 3-cyanopyridine; ammonia and acid
Vitamin B-5 Nutritional yeast, rice bran Condensing isobutyraldehyde with formaldehyde
Vitamin B-6 Nutritional yeast, rice bran Petroleum ester & hydrochloric acid with formaldehyde
Vitamin B-8 Rice Phytin hydrolyzed with calcium hydroxide and sulfuric acid
Vitamin B-9 Broccoli, rice bran Processed with petroleum derivatives and acids; acetylene
Vitamin B-12 Nutritional yeast Cobalamins reacted with cyanide
Vitamin ‘B-x’ PABA Nutritional yeast Coal tar oxidized with nitric acid (from ammonia)
Choline Nutritional yeast, rice bran Ethylene and ammonia with HCL or tartaric acid
Vitamin C Acerola cherries, citrus fruits Hydrogenated sugar processed with acetone
Vitamin D Nutritional yeast Irradiated animal fat/cattle brains or solvently extracted
Vitamin E Rice, vegetable oils Trimethylhydroquinone with isophytol; refined oils
Vitamin H Nutritional yeast, rice bran Biosynthetically produced
Vitamin K Cabbage Coal tar derivative; produced with p-allelic-nickel

Dosages Of Nutrients And Their Associated Symptoms And Diseases

Biotin 1000mg Acne
Boron >10 mg No side effects reported
Calcium >2,000 mg Drowsiness, extreme lethargy, impaired absorption of iron, zinc, and manganese, calcium deposits in tissues throughout the body, mimicking cancer on X-ray
Carotene >300 mg Orange discoloration of the skin, weakness, low blood pressure, weight loss, low white cell count
Chromium >50 mg Dermatitis, intestinal ulcers, kidney and liver impairment
Copper 15 mg Fatigue, poor memory, depression, insomnia, increased production of free radicals, may suppress immune function. Violent vomiting and diarrhea. Cooking acid foods in unlined copper pots can lead to toxic accumulation of copper.
Fluoride, acute 500 mg Poisons several enzymes, (5,000 mg lethal)
Fluoride, chronic 5 mg Fluorosis (white patches on teeth), bone abnormalities.
Folic acid 15 mg Abdominal distention, loss of appetite, nausea, sleep disturbances, may interfere with zinc absorption, may prevent recognition of vitamin B12 deficiency
Iodine 2 mg Thyroid impairment, iodine poisoning or sensitivity reaction.
Iron 25 mg Intestinal upset interferes with zinc and copper absorption, loss of appetite, not safe for those with iron storage disorders such as hemosiderosis, idiopathic hemochromatosis, or thalassemias. Toxic build-up in liver, pancreas, and heart.
Magnesium N/A Diarrhea at large dosages of poorly absorbed forms (like Epsom salts). Disturbed nervous system function because the calcium-to-magnesium ratio is unbalanced; catharsis, hazard to persons with poor kidney function.
Manganese 75 mg Toxicity only reported in those working in manganese mines or drinking from contaminated water supplies, which results in loss of appetite, neurological damage, loss of memory, hallucinations, hyperirritability, elevation of blood pressure, liver damage. Mask-like facial expression, slurred speech, involuntary laughing, spastic gait, hand tremors.
Niacin (B3), acute 100 mg Transient flushing, headache, cramps, nausea, vomiting
Niacin (B3), chronic 3 gm Anorexia, abnormal glucose tolerance, gastric ulceration, elevated liver enzymes. The excessive uric acid in the blood, possibly leading to gout. See Thiamin.
Pantothenic acid (B5) High dose Occasional diarrhea. Increased need for thiamin, possibly causing thiamin deficiency symptoms.
Phosphorous High dose Distortion of calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, creating the relative deficiency of calcium.
Potassium High dose Mental impairment, weakness. Excessive potassium in the blood, causing muscular paralysis and abnormal heart rhythms.
Pyridoxine (B6) 300 mg Sensory and motor impairment. Dependency on high doses, leading to deficiency symptoms when one returns to normal amounts.
Riboflavin B2) N/A No toxic effects have been noted. See Thiamin.
Selenium 750 micro gm Diabetes, garlic-breath odor, immune impairment, loss of hair and nails, irritability, pallor, skin lesions, tooth decay, nausea, weakness, yellowish skin
Thiamin (B1) N/A No toxic effects noted for humans after oral administration. However, since B Vitamins are interdependent, excess of one may produce the deficiency of others.
Vitamin A, acute (infant) 75,000 IU Anorexia, bulging fontanelles, hyperirritability, vomiting
Vitamin A, acute (adult) 2 million IU Headache, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting
Vitamin A, chronic (infant) 10,000 IU Premature epiphyseal bone closing, long bone growth retardation
Vitamin A, chronic (adult) 50,000 IU Anorexia, headache, bluffed vision, loss of hair, bleeding lips, cracking and peeling skin, muscular stiffness and pain, severe liver enlargement and damage, anemia, fetal abnormalities (pregnant women must be very careful), menstrual irregularities, extreme fatigue, liver damage, injury to brain and nervous system.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) N/A No side effects from the oral administration have been reported. (See thiamin)
Vitamin C, acute 10 gm Nausea, diarrhea, flatulence
Vitamin C, chronic 3 gm Increased urinary oxalate and uric acid levels in rare cases, impaired carotene utilization, chelation (binding of vitamin C with minerals) and the resultant loss of minerals may occur, sudden discontinuation can cause rebound scurvy. Kidney and bladder stones, urinary tract irritation, increased the tendency for blood to clot, the breakdown of red blood cells in persons with certain common genetic disorders (such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, common in persons of African origin), may induce B12 deficiency.
Vitamin D, acute 70,000 IU Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, excessive urination, excessive thirst
Vitamin D, chronic 10,000 IU Weight loss, pallor, constipation, fever, hypocalcemia. In infants, calcium deposits in kidneys and excessive calcium in the blood; in adults, calcium deposits throughout the body (may be mistaken for cancer) (pregnant women must be careful), deafness, nausea, kidney stones, fragile bones, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, increased lead absorption.
Vitamin E 1,000 IU The safe dose is probably over 2,000, but some people experience weakness, fatigue, exacerbation of hypertension, increased activity of anticoagulants at 1,000 IU, while some research shows that as little as 300 IU can slow down the immune system. Can destroy some Vitamin K made in the gut. A small amount of immune suppression is probably a reasonable tradeoff for vitamin E’s much needed antioxidant activity.
Vitamin K No known toxicity with natural (phylloquinone); synthetic (menadione), while relatively safe, when administered to infants may cause hemolytic and liver enlargement. Anemia in laboratory animals.
Zinc 75 mg Gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, adverse changes in HDL/LDL cholesterol ratios, impaired immunity. Nausea, anemia, bleeding in the stomach, premature birth and stillbirth, abdominal pain, fever. Can aggravate marginal copper deficiency. May produce atherosclerosis.


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Some of these studies (or citations) may not conform to peer review standards. Therefore, the results are not conclusive. Professionals can, and often do, come to different conclusions when reviewing scientific dataNone of these statements have been reviewed by the FDA.